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Case Study

Proving the value of integrated storytelling in aerospace and defense

Spirit AeroSystems case study

  • increase in Share of Voice (SOV)
  • increase in earned media placements with positive sentiment
  • increase in web traffic
  • social media engagement rate

Integrated storytelling and content strategy across business units

Spirit AeroSystems’ communications team supports multiple global business units and objectives across marketing channels in the complex and highly regulated aerospace and defense market. As part of a business transformation strategy, the team needed to develop a cohesive brand story and integrated content strategy to create brand awareness, support talent recruitment, and ultimately drive business growth. In order to prove the program’s impact on business objectives, Spirit needed baseline metrics and a comprehensive measurement program that went beyond vanity metrics like placements and impressions.

Proving the business value of storytelling in aerospace and defense

In collaboration with the Spirit team, we developed a customized measurement approach that included key performance indicators (KPIs) tied to broader business objectives. Our goal was to provide actionable insights and recommendations to corporate executives and marketing leaders using qualitative and quantitative data. We designed this approach to optimize elements of Spirit’s storytelling and content strategies and measure the entirety of its integrated marketing efforts. We developed executive marketing dashboards that include precise analysis and data filtering capabilities to truly understand what’s driving website trends like Share of Voice (SOV), brand sentiment, site ranking, and social media engagement.

Storytelling as a strategic business driver 

An effective content strategy, data-driven insights, and strong execution has helped Spirit become a leading voice in aerospace and defense. It has also demonstrated storytelling can drive business growth. Since 2021, Spirit has seen a 22% increase in SOV, a 318% increase in earned media placements with positive sentiment, a 38% increase in web traffic, and has doubled its social media engagement rate.

Case Study Testimonials

  • Inprela is everything we could want in a partner—collaborative, responsive and flexible! Perhaps most importantly, they push us to be better. If we have an idea that isn’t going to work, Inprela pushes back—that kind of candor is hard to find, but so valuable. We’ve worked together since 2019 and we’re excited to continue that partnership well into the future.

    Kristy Stevens

    Senior Manager, Global Communications, Spirit AeroSystems

Services Provided

  • Inprela Service Provided - Content and Strategy Planning

    Content and Strategy Planning

  • Inprela Service Provided - Measurement


  • Inprela Service Provided - Message and Content Development

    Message and Content Development

  • Inprela Service Provided - Research


  • Inprela Service Provided - Speaking and Award Opportunities

    Speaking and Award Opportunities

  • Inprela Service Provided - Thought Leadership Strategy

    Thought Leadership Strategy

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